Projects Nile Gift icon

SwiftyMarvel is a SwiftUI app that uses the Marvel API to display a list of Marvel characters and their details. You can browse through hundreds of heroes and villains from the Marvel universe, see their comics, and learn more about their powers and abilities.

available on GitHub


SwiftyMarvel is a SwiftUI app that uses the Marvel API to display a list of Marvel characters and their details. You can browse through hundreds of heroes and villains from the Marvel universe, see their comics, and learn more about their powers and abilities.

This app is created as a personal project to showcase my skills and passion for iOS development. This app demonstrates how to implement Clean Architecture and some of best practices for iOS app development using SwiftUI, CoreData, Combine, MVVM, Dependency Injection, Unit Testing, Code Coverage, and more.

Technologies Used

  • Framework: SwiftUI
  • Programming Language: Swift 5.8.1
  • State Management: MVVM
  • Architecture: Clean Architecture
  • Additional Integrations:
    ToolUsed for
    Core DataStoring favorite characters
    SwinjectDependency Injection
    ArkanaSecurely storing secrets and keys
    NukeImage Loading & Caching
    SwiftLintCode Linting
    MockingbirdGenerating mock, stub, and verify objects in Swift unit tests