Projects iRead eBooks icon

iRead eBooks is the first Egyptian application for electronic reading. It allows you to enjoy a unique and different reading experience, featuring publications from leading Egyptian publishers and exclusive releases produced by the iRead Foundation, which are not available anywhere else!

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iRead eBooks is a pioneering e-reading application from Egypt, offering a unique reading experience with books sourced from prominent Egyptian publishers and exclusive content crafted by iRead.


  • Initiated the development of the application with a dedicated team of three.
  • Integrated the iOS Readium SDK to facilitate e-reading functionalities.
  • Architected the application using the Clean Architecture principles and BLoC pattern for state management.
  • Implemented In-App Purchases (IAP) and Push Notifications to enhance user engagement.
  • Enabled user authentication with Apple, Google, and Facebook for a seamless sign-in experience.

Technologies Used

  • Framework: Flutter
  • Programming Language: Dart, Swift
  • State Management: Bloc
  • Architecture: Clean Architecture
  • Additional Integrations:
    • In-App Purchases (IAP)
    • Push Notifications
    • Networking with dio
    • Platform Channels
    • Dynamic User Interfaces
    • Unit Testing
    • Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)
    • iOS Readium SDK
    • Combine Framework