
A quick guide on how to test Apple Pay in the MENA region using the Apple Pay Sandbox.

How to test Apple Pay in the MENA region

Table of contents

Introduction πŸ‘‹

When I was trying to integrate Apple Pay with Amazon Payfort in a Flutter app, I faced some challenges. One of them was testing Apple Pay in the MENA region. Apple Pay sandbox cards is available in a few countries, but not in the MENA region. So, I had to find a workaround to test it in the sandbox.

Apple Pay supported sandbox countries

In this article, I will show you how I’ve been able to use the Apple Pay sandbox environment to test Apple Pay in the MENA region.

Prerequisites πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸ’»

  • A US sandbox account. can be created from the Appstore Connect dashboard check out this guide.
  • Physical Device.

Steps to test πŸ—οΈ

  1. Change the region of the device to be United States. You can do this by going to β€œsettings β†’ General β†’ Language & Region β†’ Region”.
  2. Log out from the current Apple ID / iCloud and log in with your sandbox account.
  3. Restart your device (Optional Step).
  4. Open the wallet app and add one of the sandbox credit cards in this link. (You might see a failed-to-add message, but try multiple credit cards until one of them works πŸ˜…).

Now you can test your app πŸŽ‰.